Re-defining The Beach Club Experience



Ulu Cliffhouse








Brand Concept, Brand Identity, Signage Design, Photography Direction, Creative Direction, Collaterals Development, Print & Digital Production



Ulu Cliffhouse is a beach club/resort located in Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia. We developed the brand from strategy, brand model, brand identity to all collaterals development. Inspired by the culture and spirituality of the place, by the rawness of the land, and the tendency of stimulating one’s primal urges, the idenity plays on quirky taxidermy illustrations reflecting the different findings people may encounter during their stay in Ulu Cliffhouse. Completed whilst at Substance, under the creative direction of Maxime Dautresme. Responsible for creative direction, full branding development and photoshoot direction. Team of three.



After decomposing all the elements we can find around Uluwatu, we defined different zones related to the property floor plan zoning: Air, Water, Earth, Fire. We then developed the whole brand around a particular system based on 3 steps:

Before: Discovering and collection of new findings

During: Documenting these new findings – narrating your own story   

After: Preserving these findings with quirky stamps and annotations

Glossy surfboard mockup copyGlossy surfboard mockup copy
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