Builders Of Nature



Things of Substance

A Work of Substance



Furniture, Lifestyle, E-Commerce




Brand Concept, Brand Identity, Packaging Design, Website Design



A sister brand for award winning design agency, A work of Substance. The agency has decided to venture out in creating their very own furniture arm - Things of Substance. The new identity surrounds the concept of the Sociable Weaver- A little bird most commonly found in South Africa that creates wonders with their tiny bodies, building large compound community nests together. The nests that they build a works of Art, perhaps the most spectacular thing you will ever see. The sociable weaver is a symbol of humility, freedom, craft, care and affection towards family. Like Substance, the craft and quality of their products are full of organic energy and treated with the upmost attention to detail, and care. Crafting wickedly beautiful creations with substance. 

Furniture Seal Mockup copyFurniture Seal Mockup copy
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Shopping bag mockup copyShopping bag mockup copy
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